Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Visitation to Sahuaro!

It was a great turnout for our Official Visitation at Sahuaro #45 - F&AM Arizona last night. Congratulations Brother Zac Ducky May on being raised to a Master Mason!

Congratulations to our newest FC!

Congratulations to our newest brother, John Canisales, being passed to the degree of Fellowcraft!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Found without the door wanting......

Congratulations to our newest brother to enter the craft - brother Ryan Scalise.  Welcome to the brotherhood!

Congratulations to our newly obligated brother!

Last month the brotherhood gained another member when brother Christos Michalides entered into the craft on Tuesday, January 24th 2017.  Congratulations brother!

Friday, February 3, 2017

A Masonic Gem discovered at the Arizona State Archives!

The Arizona State Archives are located at the corner of Jefferson & 19th Ave in downtown Phoenix.   It is free to get in and do research and some of the collection is available online at - Phoenix.
      During my time researching today, I found a few interesting books related to Masonry in Arizona.  But perhaps the most interesting book - was a copy of the Arizona No. 2 bylaws for the year of 1885.  This was just 6 years after our Lodge formed under the grand Lodge of California. This is the oldest Copy I have ever seen personally.