Friday, November 10, 2017

Article from ASU Downtown Devil highlights Arizona Freemasonry

The ASU Downtown Devil was visiting during our recent open house and wrote this great article about Arizona Freemasonry and Arizona Lodge No. 2.  Check it out:

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Masonic Temple Open House for #2!

This past October we opened up our Masonic Temple to the public and we had a great turnout.  Families, friends, and curious onlookers took a tour of the temple and got a little education about Freemasonry.  Thank you to everyone who came out - we hope you enjoyed the Phoenix Masonic Temple. 

Another Great Outdoor Degree!!!

On October 14th, we had our 2nd annual outdoor degree for the lucky brother Carlos Santo!  Congratulations Brother Santo on being Raised to the Sublime degree of Master Mason!